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Off-road (not verified) , Sat, 09/05/2020 - 10:06
If you live anywhere in the world you have displaced some type of wild animal and should leave because they were there first. Absolutely a stupid argument. Just as stupid as saying bears don't cross roads.......

The carring capacity of the range is what determines how many animals can survive. When it's exceeded then they either need to be relocated or the numbers balanced. Since other states have refused to take grizzly bears the only other option is to reduce numbers, either by starvation or by hunting with quotas limited the numbers taken. All wild game need this to maintain a healthy population. Grizzly included.

If that had been a sow with Cubs they would have been there. Sows don't haul food back in their mouths like a bird to the nest. Amazing anyone would think that......

Hopefully the rancher will be quickly notified and paid for their loss.
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