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VIDEO: Huge Herd of Elk Walk Straight Through Neighborhood Street

Elk herd in neighborhood
Source: Youtube

Have you ever seen one of those flash mob videos?  You know the ones - where all of a sudden a kajillion people all appear out of nowhere and start singing and dancing?  

Well, this might just be video evidence of the first-ever elk flash mob.  Minus the singing, of course.  The presence of dancing may be subjective.

A video uploaded to Youtube shows a street in Gearhart, Oregon.  And there, in front of a house, a ludicrous number of elk converge.  It's such a surreal thing to see on an otherwise mundane small-town street that it feels almost dream-like to witness. 

Huge elk herd in neighborhood
Source: Youtube

Elk are social animals and live in migratory herds of up to 400 members.  While sightings of enormous elk herds on the side of road-adjacent hills or mountains is a wonderful, if relatively common, occurrence, it is rare to see such a large herd walking in such a human-saturated area. 

Of course, such events are becoming par for the far west course, where humans and wild animals are coming more and more into contact with one another.  Even so, this is a benign and, naturally, beautiful sight for the lucky folks who woke up and walked outside to see this. 

Have you ever seen any elk herds this close up or in such an otherwise "civilized" setting? 

Source: Youtube For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]
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